This Week: Vesper Deploys New Strategies

Also: VSP incentives for FXS holders

Vesper Finance
Vesper Finance


New Strategies Have Arrived!

Our most recent set of strategies has returned from audit. These strategies include Stargate, Convex for Frax, and Euler deposit/borrow. Once audit findings are consumed and reacted to, each of our mainnet pools should benefit from higher yield opportunities from these bluechip protocols.

Learn more about Vesper strategies.

FRAX Gauge Update

Those staking FXS can vote to direct future FXS emissions to the Vesper FRAX pool and earn VSP for doing so.

Votes occur weekly and end at 2:00 p.m. ET each Wednesday. This week, veFXS voters can earn their share of 1,250 VSP rewards.

Vesper users can earn high APY when they deposit FRAX to the Vesper FRAX pool, then stake that deposit on Convex.

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Vespernauts Errin and Zane contributed to this report.

